FAFSA Beta-1 Testing Feedback

After nearly two weeks, there is a published article regarding FAFSA Beta-1 testing feedback.
Beta testing began on October 1 with the six selected community-based organization and their invited students kicking off the first round.
The Front End
As reported in the Inside Higher Education article one director from a participating CBO stated that the vast majority of students were able to complete the application that day.
A precise number would be more informative. We can reasonably conclude the figure is above seventy-five percent, but that is a guess.
If the number is higher, why not way so?
What were the reasons some students couldn’t complete the application?
Yes, this is the preliminary round, but ED needs to exert maximum effort to restore public trust. Total transparency should be provided.
The media was not granted access to phase-1 testing Will the next phases also be closed to the media?
If ED is to repair its relationship with the public and restore trust, total transparency is needed.