The Future of FAFSA

The Upcoming Election May Determine the Future of FAFSA
UPDATED: 10/28/24
The presidential election is a critical day for the Department of Education (ED) and the future of the FAFSA. A future that will be shaped not only by the winner of the presidency but also by control of the Senate.
A Trump Win
Donald Trump has indicated his intention to eliminate the department should he be successful in the election.
Without eliminating ED, Mr. Trump would be poised to restrict its reach.
One of the contributing factors to ED’s poor implementation of the FAFSA Simplification Act was working with a reduced staff and budget cuts that happened when Mr. Trump was in office.
A second term could bring new challenges for ED.
A Harris Win and the Balance of Power
If Kamala Harris is elected the ED will most likely be safe.
The Harris website has a few broad strokes of her higher education plan.
Winning the presidency is not the only challenge Ms. Harris faces. If she is elected president but the Democrats lose control of the Senate, how will the new president form her Cabinet?
It is customary for incoming presidents to replace most, if not all, of the outgoing president’s Cabinet appointees. In the current contentious political environment, it would likely be difficult for quick and easy appointee approval from the Senate.