FAFSA Fallout Continues

The Fallout from FAFSA

The Fallout from FAFSA Isn’t Over

The fallout from the new FAFSA launch continues to impact many people.

Of course, all college students, who rely on financial aid are stressed not knowing how much aid they will receive this year, but incoming students are the most seriously affected.

The class of 2028 is in limbo because schools won’t receive student information until next month – probably mid-March. This means students won’t receive their financial aid packages until April, which doesn’t leave adequate time to make an informed decision.

What that information will look like and how college financial aid administrators will process it remains unknown.

The U.S. Department of Education has pledged to aid in the processing of student data by dispatching personnel to help.

There’s also been an easing in the verification process.

Given the disastrous launch and subsequent delays caused by department errors, it’s difficult to be optimistic. 

See updated information on FAFSA processing progress.

Giving Students a Little Breathing Room

In response to the ongoing situation, some colleges and universities have already announced an extension to the usual May 1 commitment/deposit date.

Here are the ones that have come to our attention. They have been reported by more than one media outlet. If you are aware of others, please comment below.

Colleges & Universities Amended 2024 Deposit Deadlines

June 1 Deadline

Adrian College

Ball State

Central Michigan University

Crookston University 

Colorado State University – Fort Collins

Daemen University

Dartmouth University

Duluth University

Georgian Court University

Governors State University

Indiana University at Indianapolis

Kalamazoo College

Kean University

Lewis & Clark College

Marietta College

Misericordia University

Monmouth College – NJ

Montclair State University

Morris University (MN)

Northern Kentucky University

Oklahoma State

Old Dominion University

Oregon Institute of Technology

Oregon State University 

Ramapo College of New Jersey 

Rochester University (MN)

Rhode Island College

Rutgers University

St. Ambrose University

SUNY – Buffalo

UMass – Boston and Lowell

University of Albany

University of Cincinnati

University of Colorado – Boulder

University of Indianapolis

University of New England 

University of St. Thomas

Wayne State University

Widener University

Wittenberg University

May 15 Deadline

Amherst College

Auburn University

Bowie State University

California State University

Christopher Newport University

Coppin State University

Frostburg State University

George Mason University

Indiana University at Bloomington

Miami University – OH

Penn State University

Purdue University

State University of NY – SUNY (all campuses)

Towson University

University of California (all campuses)

University of Florida

University of Georgia

University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science

University of Maryland Eastern Shore

University of Maryland, Baltimore

University of Maryland, College Park

University of Minnesota Twin Cities

University of Pittsburg – Bradford

University of Virginia

University of Wisconsin – Madison

University System of Maryland

Virginia Tech

William & Mary

***Virginia Commonwealth University will continue to accept deposits after May 1, but has not announced a firm deadline.

We will continue to update the list as new information comes in, but it will not be in real-time and is not represented as a full accounting of all schools with adjusted dates.

FAFSA Isn’t Just for Federal Aid

If you’re attending school in your home state and haven’t filed your FAFSA, now is the time to file your app.

States rely upon FAFSA data for their financial aid awards. Most states have priority consideration deadlines. Many states have extended these deadlines, but the clock is ticking.

If you sat out the early round logjam it’s understandable, but don’t miss your best opportunity for state funds to go along with the federal dollars.

You don’t want to leave money on the table – every dollar counts to avoid taking out loans.

Moving Forward

We will keep you posted on further developments, as information is released.

With pressure mounting from all directions on the ED, we remain hopeful that the road ahead will be smoother.

Time will tell.

We’ve been blogging about the changes to FAFSA since 2022. You can read all that has happened with FAFSA by reading our previous financial aid posts. 

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Categories: Financial Aid


Another Day – Another FAFSA Delay

Department of Education announces another FAFSA delay.

Another FAFSA Delay

In case you missed it, the U.S. Department of Education announced another FAFSA delay earlier today (01/30/24).  

Student information will not be sent to schools/stares until mid-March.

Potential Impact of This FAFSA Delay

***Updated information is in this post.***

This is concerning for all students dependent on financial aid, but especially for incoming students, who must weigh aid packages from each school before making a final decision.

Students and their families will have very little time to carefully evaluate the merits of each received package against the family budget,

Assuming the DOE sticks to the new date, schools must scramble to assemble and send out packages, which means students probably won’t receive until sometime in April.

The national deadline for securing a spot at college is May 1.

Inquiries have been made to a few schools to see if an extension is under consideration, but it’s too early for a determination to be made.

Under the circumstances, it is unlikely that extensions will be granted because of all the other considerations that institutions have at this time of year.

Update:  Some schools have granted deposit deadline extensions. The continually updated list is maintained on “FAFSA Fallout Continues.”

If extension announcements are made, updates will be posted on the blog and “Education Unpacked” YouTube channel.

What’s next?

It would have been wonderful to report that the DOE was ahead of schedule with its reporting rather than pushing the date back, again.

Knowing this now, at least, allows families to set aside time in April for review. It may be necessary to skip a get-together or some other event to devote sufficient time to this most important decision.

Plan accordingly and check back here for updates.

The 2025-25 FAFSA application should be a smoother experience.

Additional Reading:

What’s Missing from the 2024-25 FAFSA? – (teshley.com)

Scholarships for Younger Students – (teshley.com)

FAFSA 2024-25 Rundown – (teshley.com)


Categories: Financial Aid


What’s Missing from the 2024-25 FAFSA?

FAFSA 2024-25 missing inflation adjustment.

A Critical Element Is Missing from the 2024-25 FAFSA

Updates from the U.S. Department of Education

On 01/22/24, the U.S. Department of Education agreed to correct its income tables to reflect the inflation adjustment.

This was reported in an article by the Washington Post and other media outlets.

Shortly after the announcement of the error correction, the DOE made another announcement that has alarmed families and thrown university financial aid offices into chaos.

It has been widely reported that universities will not receive student FAFSA information until mid-March.

This has the greatest impact on this year’s college-bound high school seniors, who will not receive their financial aid packages until April.

With the customary commitment and deposit deadline being May 1, students will have little time to evaluate their offers to make the best decision.

Higher education professionals joined forces to implore universities to extend the deadline.

Some schools have already heeded the call.

***Extended deposit deadlines are being updated on the “The FAFSA Fallout Continues post***

Schools with Extended June 1 Deposit Deadlines

Misericordia University

Monmouth College

Wittenberg University

Widener University

University of Indianapolis

Kalamazoo College

Lewis & Clark College

Oregon State University

Marietta College

Oregon Institute of Technology

University of New England

Schools with Extended May 15 Deposit Deadlines

The University of California (all campuses

California State University

This list will be updated frequently, but follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn for more timely information.

If you’ve been following the Financial Aid posts on this blog, you know that the FAFSA Simplification Act of 2020 introduced many new changes to how students file and how financial aid is calculated.

The legislation’s goal was to make the application easier for everyone to complete and extend aid to more low-income students.

Most of the changes were implemented with the release of the new FAFSA, but there is one key factor that the Department of Education did not include.

What’s Missing?

An adjustment for inflation was not included in the new application.

Multiple news outlets have widely reported this. The Washington Post was the first to notify the public.

Without the adjustment for inflation, more income will be used to determine aid eligibility and award amount.

Students will not receive the full amount they are entitled to under the new format.

With rising inflation and tuition costs, this is unacceptable for students and their families.

The U.S. Department of Education Needs to Act – Now

Correcting this error will further delay the already behind schedule process, but it would be the best course of action for all students.

There has been no commitment from the DOE to fix the error for the current FAFSA.

They have not stated if the change will happen now or with the 2025-26 FAFSA.

What Can You Do?

Once again, the suggestion is to contact your Congressional representatives – all of them.

Implore them to have the mistake corrected with this year as soon as possible.

Hearing from constituents can be a great motivator for action.

If you don’t know your current representatives, use these tools:

Find Your Representative | house.gov

U.S. Senate: Senators
